Beth Dodd, Head Librarian at the Architecture & Planning Library, participated on a panel discussion at the “Modernism + Recent past” roundtable. The panel, made up of 6 professionals involved in historic preservation, spoke about their experiences and issues related to modernism and the recent past. In an organized discussion, key themes of awareness, advocacy and action were addressed to identify specific challenges inherent in preserving the recent past with the end goal of suggesting proactive solutions statewide.
Discussion included an understanding that access to knowledge plays a significant role in historic preservation. That open access and preservation of historic records must go hand in hand with the preservation of the building. Modern buildings and their records share similar challenges including identification, documentation and preservation. It was an opportunity to raise awareness about the incredible unique resources found in the University of Texas Libraries’ Alexander Architectural Archive- a public keeper and steward of knowledge. Solutions included proactively identifying historic records, raising awareness of public repositories, and encouragement to increase web presence and the use of Web 2.0 for sharing knowledge and images. A stronger web presence helps in research and proves international interest in what might more commonly be considered a local issue.
The Preservation Summit, sponsored by Preservation Texas, was organized as an opportunity to identify issues related to the preservation of the historic built environment, develop strategic approaches and solutions to issues and to cultivate partnerships across the state.