Tag Archives: architectural treatises

New Books at APL: Citizens of No Place: An Architectural Graphic Novel

This week we received several books for our new collection – UTSOA Publications – which highlights material from and about the School. This collection can be found in the reading room of Battle Hall.

Lai, Jimenez. Citizens of No Place: An Architectural Graphic Novel. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2012.

JLaiWe also received Jimenez Lai’s Citizens of No Place: An Architectural Graphic Novel. Lai writes:

Citizens of No Place imagines alternate worlds and engages with the design of architecture through the act of storytelling. It offers narratives about character development, through which the reader can explore relationships, curiosities, and attitudes, as well as absurd stories about fake realities that invite new futures to become possibilities. (pg. 7)

The graphic novel contains an introductory essay by John McMorrough entitled “The Architecture of No Place and Eutopia, Infinite Earths, and Elseworlds.” Lai’s architectural treatise is then arranged in ten chapters, addressing topics such as rituals, power, projection, and history.